"Drowning in Social Media" by mkhmarketing

Facebook connect for WordPress

It did not take long to find a Facebook Connect WordPress plugin…

It is in version 0.5 and is provided by Sociable! a social media blog in spanish. Not everything is perfect but you can already see it in action here!

Bye bye Google Friend Connect…

Update: Version 0.7 is already out…

Image Credits: mkhmarketing

6 thoughts on “Facebook connect for WordPress

  1. Adam from PageRush

    Hi Claude, I’m visiting to test out your Facebook Connect for WordPress implementation. I’m trying to decide if I should implement the Sociable! version, or wait for something more official from Facebook.

  2. Claude

    You’re welcome Adam :)
    From what I read, the “official” Facebook plugin should be limited to comments integration.
    I think we will see plugins flourish in the next weeks.

  3. Pete Graham

    Hi Claude,
    Got this working (i think) on my site http://www.lincguide.com/hot
    One problem is it doubles the community members total, i see you have it fixed on yours.. i know its in the community.php file around line 32. Did you fix it yourself? i’m not a developer by trade..

    Think it could be a good widget though, i had the google connect one on and it was a bit pointless really, anyway nice blog…

    1. Claude


      The thing is that the people featured on the community page are the Facebook users only. Your WordPress users are not displayed. But the count in the title includes all of them.

      I corrected this problem here and told Javier at Sociable.es, it should hopefully be corrected in the next version of the plugin :)

      I got Google Friend Connect running here as well, for 6 hours…

      1. Pete Graham

        Hi Claude,
        thanks for the update, sorry I only just saw your reply..
        have got it working ok now here

        Thanks again!

  4. Juan Millalonco

    Just wanted to say great job with the blog, today is my first visit here and I’ve enjoyed reading your posts so far :)


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