Category Archives: Freelancing & Networking

Do you think too many recommendations can be counter productive?

As far as finding a job/project is concerned do you think that having a lot of recommendations can be considered suspect?

What would be “too many” and can it vary depending on geography/culture?

This is the question I asked on the LinkedIn network and if you feel like sharing your thoughts about this then you can either comment this post or go to LinkedIn.

I am wondering because last Monday I asked the near-to-be-former colleagues I am connected to to endorse me on LinkedIn. And the result is pretty impressive with 17 recommendations so far and certainly more to come.

Only 8 of them are actually visible right now. Not being shown on my profile is not a mark of disregard, I really thank every people that took the time to write something for me, even the smallest blurb!

However, I decided to make a choice and display only recommendations from my managers, my closest co-workers and non-technical people.

I did this because I though I would be suspicious seeing a profile with a lot of recommendations. I might be biased, however. My father being a former cop in the French police I learned to be wary of anything unusual (this can be technically useful but is socially terrible).

Hence the question, any hint welcome :)

2008-04-11 Update: After 14 answers on LinkedIn I decided I will show all the recommendation I received.

Going Solo

Here it is,

After 6 years in Odyssey (minus 6 months failing to build a product and 3 months escaping burnout in China) I am leaving…

Those interested will ask where do I go? Nowhere! I am going solo, freelance, whatever… I am going free!

And one of the first thing I will do is to attend Going-Solo, on the 16th of May, a conference held in Lausanne about being a Freelancer and organized by Stephanie Booth.

Stephanie, thank you for the perfect timing!

Need Lifting?

Lift has ended now.

I will not comment on the various speakers and themes (although I really liked Kevin Warwick’s and I have been left with a question) others have done that and they are much more gifted than I am in that area.

I just wanted to say a big “thank you” to the Lift team, the organization was great and this was an enjoyable experience.

Thank you all for your work, see you next year.