Category Archives: WordPress Plugins

LinkedIn did it again…

Those of you who were around in 2015 will remember that on May 12 of that year LinkedIn closed part of its API (like the personal network updates) and made other parts private and accessible to “partners” only. I wrote an article about it here.

At the time the impact was significant as you needed to become a partner to access most of your data but some (the “basic” profile) was still available.

Well, they will do it again on March 1st of 2019, and this time what’s left public is called the “Lite” profile and basically it’s your name and your profile picture. And if you need more you will need to become a partner. This also applies to the professional pages. Now everyone needs to be partner.

Needless to say this makes the WP LinkedIn plugin for WordPress useless to most people and I am not even sure I will be able this time to get privileged access so I can develop and test the plugins.

Honestly, at this stage I am not sure if it’s worth keeping those plugins alive… Stay tuned.

Feb 12th update: I suspended the sale of the WP LinkedIn premium extensions

Using the WordPress Settings API with Network Admin pages

The other day I was googling up information about coding options pages in the network administration dashboard of a WordPress multisite installation and I noticed that some people think they cannot use the Settings API with those pages. I also noticed there was no article showing how to do it, so here it is. Continue reading

The fate of the WP-LinkedIn WordPress plugin after May 12

If you are a user of the WP-LinkedIn WordPress plugin and have registered with the LinkedIn API, you probably already received an email from them about the changes to their developer program and are wondering how this is going to affect you. Continue reading

How to customize the recommendations scroller in WP-LinkedIn

I already wrote an article here about customizing your LinkedIn profile but there is a slight difference if you want to customize the recommendations scroller, so here you go, how to add the recommender’s picture and headline to the scroller. Continue reading

Showing more of your LinkedIn profile with WP-LinkedIn

Since I released the WP-LinkedIn plugin for WordPress I got this same request coming regularly about how to add this or that profile information to the output of the plugin. Here is an example that will show you how to add the headline for the recommender. Continue reading

The best way to integrate your LinkedIn profile with WordPress

I heard or read someone, recently, saying that LinkedIn was nothing more than a glorified resume. Well, 10 years ago this was certainly true and I was not looking for anything more. I had ditched the Word documents since a long time and was distributing my résumé in PDF format, despite some recruiters stubbornly asking me Word documents. Continue reading