Tag Archives: twitter

Bootstraping communication

Last Saturday I was chatting with my colleague David about communication issues inside the enterprise. As architects, some of our objectives are to coach the development teams, publicize the architecture and the frameworks and promote new technologies. We were wondering how we could improve the communication and especially make it more fluid.

Yesterday, inspired by Twitter, I setup a Skype public chat group for the company I currently work for. This morning I sent a mail to almost everyone and started to disseminate information about the group in the corporate wiki.

And almost nothing happened, only a few people showed up and no communication occurred. I am sure this a good idea, but I think something as to actually happen to demonstrate its usefulness, may be we need to bootstrap the flow by starting to push information instead of waiting for questions to come.

Yeah, exactly like micro-blogging on Twitter :)

Random thoughts

2:30 am and I can’t sleep, my mind don’t stop to jump from though to though like a sparkle.

Thinking about Tibet, my new MacBook, product ideas, my future as a freelancer (with a f or a F?), DITA (not von teese) and my future ex-job.

About Tibet I think I will have to write something but I still need more accurate and unbiased documentation. Actually the topic is pretty hot at Home (my girlfriend Yang being Chinese).

I am thinking about twitter as well, I have been hesitating a long time before subscribing and now I am lurking around, following a few people (mostly Lausanne/Geneva citizens and two or three others like Robert Scoble or Guy Kawasaki) and asking myself “how come some of these people can blog, qwik, seesmic, twitter, attend conferences and whatnot and actually have a real life ?”

I mean, did they followed Tim Ferris advices and got a GetFriday monthly plan? I still miss something that’s for sure…

Anyway, someone posted a link to something I was looking for: xootr, a scooter with brakes (they have a european distributor) now let’s go see if I can order one :)