
Nous sommes arrive a Beijing apres un voyage en train de 9 heures. Heureusement c’etait un train de nuit avec couchettes, je m’attendais a un truc pas terrible mais les wagons etaient assez modernes et tres confortables (bon, on avait pris des billets de premiere aussi, il y avait meme une tele par couchette) j’ai […]

LinkedIn, day 2

Two days on LinkedIn, added 18 direct contacts and i am connected to 36,700+ in my network 8) What is the most interesting is that 18{5f676304cfd4ae2259631a2f5a3ea815e87ae216a7b910a3d060a7b08502a4b2} of that population is in California whereas the only one I know in California is not in the network… Image Credits: Jerry Luk

Learning Chinese

By the way, I started learning Chinese some months ago, bought some books, took some lessons and finally had the idea to look on the Internet for some resources. And I found an absolutely fantastic podcast called, there you can download free daily podcasts and, if you want to go further, pay your subscription […]

Windows Integrated Security and Java Web Applications

In my previous post I was explaining how to use an Active Directory server to authenticate a user. Indeed, I was trying to make the system authenticate the user using the Windows credentials that she already entered when logging onto her workstation. Some years ago I was working with IIS and it was only a […]

ActiveDirectory authentication in Java

Recently I came into trying to authenticate users of an intranet web-application against the ActiveDirectory server that is used to authenticate them on their Windows desktop. Here is some code I used to achieve this. I went into several steps, the first of them being creating a custom user registry to interface my web server […]