Author Archives: claude

Do you think too many recommendations can be counter productive?

As far as finding a job/project is concerned do you think that having a lot of recommendations can be considered suspect?

What would be “too many” and can it vary depending on geography/culture?

This is the question I asked on the LinkedIn network and if you feel like sharing your thoughts about this then you can either comment this post or go to LinkedIn.

I am wondering because last Monday I asked the near-to-be-former colleagues I am connected to to endorse me on LinkedIn. And the result is pretty impressive with 17 recommendations so far and certainly more to come.

Only 8 of them are actually visible right now. Not being shown on my profile is not a mark of disregard, I really thank every people that took the time to write something for me, even the smallest blurb!

However, I decided to make a choice and display only recommendations from my managers, my closest co-workers and non-technical people.

I did this because I though I would be suspicious seeing a profile with a lot of recommendations. I might be biased, however. My father being a former cop in the French police I learned to be wary of anything unusual (this can be technically useful but is socially terrible).

Hence the question, any hint welcome :)

2008-04-11 Update: After 14 answers on LinkedIn I decided I will show all the recommendation I received.

Image Credits: Jerry Luk

Random thoughts

2:30 am and I can’t sleep, my mind don’t stop to jump from though to though like a sparkle.

Thinking about Tibet, my new MacBook, product ideas, my future as a freelancer (with a f or a F?), DITA (not von teese) and my future ex-job.

About Tibet I think I will have to write something but I still need more accurate and unbiased documentation. Actually the topic is pretty hot at Home (my girlfriend Yang being Chinese).

I am thinking about twitter as well, I have been hesitating a long time before subscribing and now I am lurking around, following a few people (mostly Lausanne/Geneva citizens and two or three others like Robert Scoble or Guy Kawasaki) and asking myself “how come some of these people can blog, qwik, seesmic, twitter, attend conferences and whatnot and actually have a real life ?”

I mean, did they followed Tim Ferris advices and got a GetFriday monthly plan? I still miss something that’s for sure…

Anyway, someone posted a link to something I was looking for: xootr, a scooter with brakes (they have a european distributor) now let’s go see if I can order one :)

Going Solo

Here it is,

After 6 years in Odyssey (minus 6 months failing to build a product and 3 months escaping burnout in China) I am leaving…

Those interested will ask where do I go? Nowhere! I am going solo, freelance, whatever… I am going free!

And one of the first thing I will do is to attend Going-Solo, on the 16th of May, a conference held in Lausanne about being a Freelancer and organized by Stephanie Booth.

Stephanie, thank you for the perfect timing!

Flights for passengers instead of passengers for flights…

I was reading this article from Seth Godin, “New interactions, not just moved interactions”, where he says:

Why don’t airlines have tools in place to make it easy to integrate charter flights with conventions so flights run when (and where) people are going? Flights for passengers instead of passengers for flights…

And then I though about, this near-to-come online calendaring service where you can tell your network that you are free next Tuesday and would consider hanging out for a beer…

How about if enough people on are willing to take vacation in almost the same place at almost the same time and I am ready to offer charter services?

Need Lifting?

Lift has ended now.

I will not comment on the various speakers and themes (although I really liked Kevin Warwick’s and I have been left with a question) others have done that and they are much more gifted than I am in that area.

I just wanted to say a big “thank you” to the Lift team, the organization was great and this was an enjoyable experience.

Thank you all for your work, see you next year.

What is a lightweight application server?

A colleague of mine just sent me a link to this article from Jeff Hanson on JavaWorld: Is Tomcat an application server?.

That’s funny because another colleague, yesterday during the lunch, asked us if instead of developing for a JEE container it would not be better to adopt a lightweight container like Tomcat? Using frameworks like Spring?

My answer was actually another question (as often): What is a lightweight container?

When frameworks like Spring and Hibernate started, their purpose was to add functionalities that did not exist or were badly designed: flows, inversion of control and injection or entity management. People were complaining about JEE and some switched to Tomcat plus Spring and Hibernate. Some of them did so because at this moment they did not need the other JEE services.

Hanson concludes his article with the following:

When attempting to determine the server environment best suited to a particular application or system, it is helpful to break down the requirements of the system and determine which Java EE components will need to be supported.

I could not agree more with this. However, requirements evolve and people switch to new projects but they usually continue to use the same frameworks.

The result is that when the need for new services increases (transaction, security, messaging, administration) the pressure on frameworks increases and they add those services to their stack because their clients ask for it and that is fun to code.

Then, what is the difference between a JEE server and Tomcat+Spring? I mean at which point a lightweight container is not lightweight anymore? When you add transactions? And in that case why not using JEE? Because it is JEE and it is said to be heavyweight?

My answer is to always use JEE when it offers the services you need. If it does not? Use something else but otherwise use JEE. Today if I was creating a new application I would not use Hibernate for entity persistence, I would use EJB3.

C’est ça la Suisse

Le matin je vais à pied depuis chez moi jusqu’au bureau et sur mon chemin je passe par le parking du cimetière.

Ce matin, il y avait un employé qui avait l’air, au bruit, de passer la tondeuse.

Comme j’ai trouvé ça étrange j’ai quand même jeté un oeil , le gars n’était pas en train de passer la tondeuse, il passait l’aspirateur dans le parking…