Flights for passengers instead of passengers for flights…

I was reading this article from Seth Godin, “New interactions, not just moved interactions”, where he says: Why don’t airlines have tools in place to make it easy to integrate charter flights with conventions so flights run when (and where) people are going? Flights for passengers instead of passengers for flights… And then I though […]

What is a lightweight application server?

A colleague of mine just sent me a link to this article from Jeff Hanson on JavaWorld: Is Tomcat an application server?. That’s funny because another colleague, yesterday during the lunch, asked us if instead of developing for a JEE container it would not be better to adopt a lightweight container like Tomcat? Using frameworks […]

C’est ça la Suisse

Le matin je vais à pied depuis chez moi jusqu’au bureau et sur mon chemin je passe par le parking du cimetière. Ce matin, il y avait un employé qui avait l’air, au bruit, de passer la tondeuse. Comme j’ai trouvé ça étrange j’ai quand même jeté un oeil , le gars n’était pas en […]