Author Archives: claude

Oblivion: Close but no cigar

Yesterday I went to see “Oblivion”, the last Tom Cruise movie [imdb], this is what I though about it.

“Oblivion”, the last movie featuring Tom Cruise, directed by Joseph Kosinski who also directed “Tron Legacy” in 2012 (not a good reference if you ask me), is a SciFi movie about a team of two humans technicians on a planet Earth that was ravaged by war after an alien invasion. “We won the war but we lost the planet” as they say.

The rest of humanity has emigrated on Jupiter’s moon, Titan, and Jack and Victoria are assigned to the maintenance of drones protecting energy rigs that convert sea water into energy cells. Rigs and drones are regularly attacked by the “scavs”, remnants of the alien army that invaded Earth. Jack is going to discover that there is more to that than what he has been told… Continue reading

Riding a motorbike in Thailand

There are a lot of motorbikes in Thailand, it’s one of the most popular way to go around especially in places like Phuket where there is a lot of traffic. A lot of people who come to Phuket wonder if they can rent a bike and use it to visit. Sure you can but there are a lot of things to consider first. Continue reading

One day tour of Phuket

If you come to visit me in Phuket there will be one mandatory day of visit. During this visit I will drive you around the highlights of the south of the island. Of course, if we went out the night before and you cannot wake up too early we will have to shorten it, but you will miss something. Continue reading